Observer Abilities

Information about the Observer abilities seen throughout the series. Every Observer ability can be traced back to science featured in Fringe events.

Run Possible Futures

Observers can run possible futures to predict what events and outcomes are most likely to happen.

  • First seen when September predicted Peter's speech in S01E04 - The Arrival.
  • This ability is derived from the Fringe event in S03E03 - The Plateau where Milo Stanfield's intelligence was modified with drugs until he could run possible futures.
Obsever ability: Run Possible Futures

Time Travel

Observers can time travel without using a time machine.

  • First revealed when Brandon showed evidence of the Observers appearing throughout history in S02E08 - August.
  • This ability is derived from the Fringe event in S02E17 - White Tulip where Alistair Peck built the ability to time travel right into his own body.
Obsever ability: Time Travel

Affect Electronics

Observers can open electronic doors and locks by zapping them with their fingers.

  • First revealed when August stole a car in S02E08 - August.
  • This ability is derived from the Fringe event in S01E05 - Power Hungry where Joseph Meegar had the ability to manipulate electronic devices around him.
Obsever ability: Affect Electronics

Walk Through Walls

Observers can walk through walls and other solid objects.

  • First revealed when an Observer stepped through a large window pane in S04E11 - Making Angels.
  • This ability is derived from the Fringe event in S01E08 - The Equation where Mitchell Loeb reached his hand into a safe to pull the contents out through the safe wall.
Obsever ability: Walk Through Walls

Read and Wipe Minds

Observers can read minds and wipe minds.

Obsever ability: Read and Wipe Minds

Grown in a Lab

Observers are grown to maturity in a lab instead of being carried to term by a normal pregnancy.

  • First revealed when September described where Observers came from in S05E11 - The Boy Must Live.
  • This ability is derived from the Fringe event in S01E02 - The Same Old Story where pregnancies were extremely accelerated, going from conception to birth in hours instead of months.
  • This ability is derived from the Fringe event in S02E07 - Of Human Action where many different Tylers were grown in a lab from donor genetic material.
Obsever ability: Grown in a Lab