Through the Looking-Glass and What Walter Found There

Through the Looking-Glass and What Walter Found There

Season 5, Episode 06
Aired: November 9th, 2012
Written By: David Fury
Directed By: Jon Cassar

Recaps: Fandom Wiki | Fringepedia | AV Club
Resources: IMDb | Wikipedia | Transcript
Listen: The Fringe Podcast


In this episode, Walter sets out on his own after uncovering another tape and steps into a pocket universe sandwiched in the membrane between parallel universes. Observers converge on Walter's position and only Peter has the skillset needed to rescue the science team.

Synopsis provided by the Fandom Wiki, Fringepedia, and Wikipedia.


This episode's glyphs spell:


Half of this episode takes place in a pocket universe, a split in the membrane that separates the two universes. Peter and Olivia are also starting to diverge from each other after Peter absorbed the Observer tech.

Glyph symbol SGlyph symbol PGlyph symbol LGlyph symbol IGlyph symbol T
Glyph symbol S
Glyph symbol P
Glyph symbol L
Glyph symbol I
Glyph symbol T


Observers are featured in this episode.



Previous Episode Clue

Graffiti behind Anil's van in 'An Origin Story' says "Ask Alice", foreshadowing the theme and title of 'Through the Looking Glass and what Walter Found There'.

Previous episode clue

Next Episode Clue

The bell-shaped lamp in the pocket universe in 'Through the Looking-Glass and What Walter Found There' foreshadows the team gaining access to William Bell's storage facility in 'Five-Twenty-Ten'.

Next episode clue


  • Donald helped Walter set up the pocket universe hiding spot. (Image 1)
  • The child was an Observer, proven by Walter and Donald putting an air degradation unit in his hiding room.
  • Peter is developing Observer abilities: speed, strength, teleportation, pocket universe vision, blue Matrix-style vision. (Image 2)
Item of interest: Donald
Image 1
Item of interest: Peter's vision
Image 2
Peter's vision


  • A Dark Path - Joshua Jackson talks about Peter using the Observer tech.


  • The apple glyph can be seen on a door in the pocket universe.
  • The butterfly glyph can be seen on a door in the pocket universe.
  • The flower glyph can be seen on a door in the pocket universe.
  • The frog glyph can be seen on a door in the pocket universe.
  • The hand glyph can be seen on a door in the pocket universe.
  • The seahorse glyph can be seen on a door in the pocket universe.
Glyph Sighting: Apple
Glyph Sighting: Butterfly
Glyph Sighting: Flower
Glyph Sighting: Frog
Glyph Sighting: Hand
Glyph Sighting: Seahorse


Walter ate a grape Red Vine and drank some milk, got distracted by pastries in Tape #7, and ate a raspberry-filled pastry.
Walter's Food: Grape Red Vine and milk
Grape Red Vine and milk
Walter's Food: Pastries
Walter's Food: Raspberry-filled pastry
Raspberry-filled pastry


A visualization of all the ways this episode connects to other episodes. Scroll down to see the actual connections.
Connection chart: Through the Looking-Glass and What Walter Found There


S1E15 - Inner Child

  • Walter and Donald hid the Child from "Inner Child" in the pocket universe in "Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There". (Image 1)
  • Walter gave the Child M&Ms in the pocket universe in "Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There" because he ate them with Olivia in "Inner Child". (Image 2, 3)
  • The child needed an air degradation unit in "Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There" because he needed a less oxygen-rich environment like where he was found underground in "Inner Child". (Image 4)
Connection: The Child
Image 1
S5E06 - Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
The Child
Connection: M&Ms
Image 2
S1E15 - Inner Child
Connection: M&Ms
Image 3
S5E06 - Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
Connection: Air degradation unit
Image 4
S5E06 - Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
Air degradation unit

S3E06 - 6955 kHz

  • The radio found in the pocket universe in "Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There" was stuck on 6955 kHz, the same frequency as the number station broadcasts in "6955 kHz". (Image 1)
Connection: Radio stuck on 6955 kHz
Image 1
S5E06 - Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
Radio stuck on 6955 kHz

S5E04 - The Bullet that Saved the World

  • Cecil mentions the Observers using a light bomb in "Through the Looking Glass and what Walter Found There", which is what Loyalists threw at Peter in the sewer tunnels in "The Bullet that Saved the World". (Image 1)
Connection: Light bomb
Image 1
S5E04 - The Bullet That Saved the World
Light bomb

S5E11 - The Boy Must Live

  • September (about Michael in "The Boy Must Live"):
    "They were right about him, he's an anomaly. He's not less than them, he's more. At first, I thought his abilities were just empathic, but they developed into something greater. I now know that his intellect functions on a level that neither you nor we are capable of understanding. But what's more important: he has the emotions, the compassion, the empathy."

    September told the team how Michael was a naturally more advanced human. In "Through the Looking-Glass and What Walter Found There" Michael had been hidden in a pocket universe accessible from room 413 of an apartment building. Episode S4E13 of Fringe is entitled "A Better Human Being." (Image 1)

Connection: Room 413
Image 1
S5E06 - Through the Looking Glass and What Walter Found There
Room 413